Daily Archives: September 6, 2022

Cat Scratch Fever

I woke up to a chill autumn morning. The leaves are already starting to turn up here in the mountains of North Carolina.

I can’t believe the time has snuck by so fast.

Halloween is right around the corner.

I know it’s only September, but I have to get ready for Halloween ahead of time.

Bat Cat

Bat Cat, as my daughter dubbed him, is finished. The kind of cat I don’t have to worry about getting cat scratch fever from. Lol

And just in time for Halloween.

With it being so cool this morning, I put on some hamburger to brown and I can smell the Autum soup steeping through the air.

Can’t wait to slurp up a hot bowl. And just think, I don’t have to share it with Bat Cat. Ha!

No recipe today. Everything is just stuff on hand with tomato paste and water base.

Lots of salt and pepper, onions and vegetables galore from the garden, and some sweet basil growing in my aqua garden. (And sometimes cans of vegetables. I cheat a lot in cooking.) It will be cooking all day.

Maybe you could join me for dinner with your favorite soup. I’ll be thinking about you as I spoon it up.

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Filed under cooking, food, Halloween