Tag Archives: soup

A wonderful clip for diabetes and soup recipe


I need to find more ways to incorporate beans into my diet.

Can’t cook beans worth a darn so I use canned beans.

So far I use them in soups and in three bean salads. Still looking for recipes.

Soup with pinto beans

Stew meat and vegetable

1 pkg stew meat

2 cans pinto beans (strain and rinse)

1 sm pkg baby carrots

1 can mixed vegetables (strained)

1 can corn (strained)

1 sm bag baby red potatoes

1 can diced tomatoes

1 sliced yellow squash

Salt and pepper to taste

3 Tbs chopped dried onions

1 Tbls turmeric

1 T garlic powder

2 Tbs basil

Brown stew meat with 1 Tbs chopped onions, 1 tsp garlic powder, and some salt and pepper.

Make sure both sides are browned.

Add 1 cup of water and cook in covered crock pot for 1 hour on high.

Add beans, potatoes and carrots with 1 more cup of water to crock pot. Cook for another hour.

Add the rest of the ingredients, Salt and pepper to taste and fill water level up to 1 inch below rim. Cover and cook on high for at least 2 hours or on low for rest of the afternoon (6 hours max.)

Tast test for salt and pepper and serve.

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N.C. Recipes

Searching the Internet I found a wonderful recipe book.

Some of the recipes are still used today.

Being from out west, originally, I was fascinated by some of the titles I ran across.

I just love the name of this one. Slumgullion. I have never heard of this one before.

Although it is similar to how I make soup sometimes. the name just stand on it’s own.

Then this one…

Cabbage meat rolls, Looks Like something I would like to incorporate into my diet (minus the bread crumbs, maybe substitute almond flour instead.)

I may try them. Hope you enjoy too.

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Split pea soup

Cleaning out my freezer to make room for more foods, I found some left over Christmas Ham slices.

Not wanting to throw it away or feed it to the cats, I tried to think how I could use it.

The first thing that came to mind was beans and ham.

One thing I try to stay away from is cooking beans.

So back to the think tank, think, think!

Split pea soup!

Now I am the only one in my family that likes split pea soup. And when I go to the trouble of making a soup I usually make a big batch so I can freeze some.

But I had already filled the freezer back up.

Think, think! Ahhh…


Church linger longer pot luck.

Knowing that not many people like split pea soup, I could take the crock pot to church for my contribution and probably have some left over for another bowl or two.

Things didn’t go quite the way I wanted. I came home with an empty pan.

At least I had one bowl before I took it to church.


Split pea soup in the crock pot.

1lb bag (2 cups) dried split peas

4 to 6 cups water

3 Tbls dried chopped onions

2 cups sliced or chopped ham (left over from christmas)

Salt and pepper to taste

Place Peas in a bowl of water, rinse and let set in water for ten minutes. Discard peas that float to the top. Then strain.

Put peas into crock pot with other ingredients.

Cover and cook on high for one hour then turn down to low and simmer all day. Stir occasionally ( maybe once an hour) so that nothing sticks to the bottom of the pan.

When peas start to break apart and thicken the water, after about 4 to 6 hours, it should be done.

Test taste for spices add more salt or pepper if needed.

With all the rain we had last week the hot soup was enjoyable and warming.

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Filed under cooking, soup

Here chickie chickie.

Fall has almost fallen. With this last rain, the beautiful colors have dissapeared from off the trees.

A few bushes still sport some yellows gold and red leaves. The bare branches need some covering up. I guess that is what mother nature intends for the snow to accomplish.

In case you haven’t noticed, this post has nothing to do with chicks. Only chick pea soup.

Another great autumn soup.

Hot soup warms the soul.

Chick pea soup

Pull out the crock pot!

Open a small package of stew meat, salt and pepper, with a sprinkling of chopped onions and brown on high heat. In the crock pot brown one side, then turn over and brown the other. ( About 20 minutes on each side depending how hot your crock pot gets. Keep an eye on it so you don’t burn the meat.)

Update: I forgot to include adding some sweat basil to the soup. Duh!

Add some water, about 2 cups and let sit on high heat in the crock pot with more salt and pepper and chopped onions to your taste.

Add a strained and washed can of chick peas, baby potatoes (optioal) and carrots. Let sit another hour, or two on high heat.

Add some cubed squash, broccoli and any other quick cooking vegetables. Let sit on high heat at least another hour, or two. Taste and add more salt or more water depending on flavor. And serve when you are hungry.

Work can wait. Sit and enjoy the last of the colors of fall. Cuddle up on a porch and enjoy the hot soup.

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Cat Scratch Fever

I woke up to a chill autumn morning. The leaves are already starting to turn up here in the mountains of North Carolina.

I can’t believe the time has snuck by so fast.

Halloween is right around the corner.

I know it’s only September, but I have to get ready for Halloween ahead of time.

Bat Cat

Bat Cat, as my daughter dubbed him, is finished. The kind of cat I don’t have to worry about getting cat scratch fever from. Lol

And just in time for Halloween.

With it being so cool this morning, I put on some hamburger to brown and I can smell the Autum soup steeping through the air.

Can’t wait to slurp up a hot bowl. And just think, I don’t have to share it with Bat Cat. Ha!

No recipe today. Everything is just stuff on hand with tomato paste and water base.

Lots of salt and pepper, onions and vegetables galore from the garden, and some sweet basil growing in my aqua garden. (And sometimes cans of vegetables. I cheat a lot in cooking.) It will be cooking all day.

Maybe you could join me for dinner with your favorite soup. I’ll be thinking about you as I spoon it up.

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Filed under cooking, food, Halloween