Tag Archives: ice cream

Sweet Cravings

Ice cream, ice cream, we all scream for ice cream.

Sweet cravings are one of the side effects of cutting out the sugar in your life.

And cutting out sugar and carbs leaves behind a void almost impossible to fill.

I gotta have me some…


Pulling the container of Cream Cheese Ice Cream out of the freezer really helps.

It’s the waiting that is hard. I gotta have it now. Patience is not a virtue I inherited.

Two things for me will snap the patience button quicker that anything else. Sweet cravings and lies.

I find myself liying to myself a lot when I diet, so to avoid the lies I have tried to make a life style change.

Liying about the sweets I inhaled and how it won’t hurt to sneak just one, I now realize that I need to include a sweet every once in a while. But, I need to choose the kind of sweet that will not cause head aches, high blood pressure or extra weight gain. I’m still working on that last one, weight gain. Loving food is another vice of mine.( confession is good for the soul, at least that’s what I have heard.)

Cream cheese ice cream is one of those sweets that tames the cravings for me. Just a couple of spoonfuls at a time works wonders with my good moods.

Cream cheese ice cream

1 block of cream cheese melted and whipped

1/2 cup heavy cream whipped (zero sugar whipped topping makes great substitute)

1 teaspoon vanilla

1/4 plain or vanilla Greek yogurt

A handful of mashed fresh strawberries

(Substitutes, other berries, pineapple, another favorite substitute of mine is 1/2 cup sugar free chocolate pudding )

Optional: 1/4 to 1/2 cup chopped walnuts.

If you still need sweetening, add a little ( notice I said a little) bit of your favorite sweetener substitute.

Stir together until mixed well. Freeze.

More and more I find that my sweet cravings are worse at night when I’m trying to shut down my intense focus from work. I will take out the ice cream and have about 3 teaspoons full off the corner of the container and that’s all I need.

Then again. My taste buds will fight with me for more of that creamy flavor.

I gotta have more and I gotta have it now!

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Ice Cream for Breakfast?

Ice Cream?

Thunder and lightning most of the night with heavy rain on an off.

The cooling weather got a little cold, so on came the heater. Too cold to too hot, just can’t find a happy medium.

Need some extra vitamins, especially vitamin C, this morning.

I am trying to pump up my immune system. Don’t need any flu or colds this fall.

A smoothie was just the thing. So I put my blender to work.

A little bit of this and a little bit or that and maybe go heavy in the fruit, like tropical fruits for that vitamin C.

And wallah! Oops. Too heavy on the frozen fruit. That poor blender really got a work out. Perhaps I can get by without my workout this morning. Haha.

My nice cool smoothie turned into ice cream. Tropical mixed berry ice cream. Yum! What a treat to fight off those cold germs.

Ingreadients: (no measurements sorry)

Frozen mixed berries

Frozen tropical fruit

Small amount of 100% apple juice

Small amount of almond milk ( I usually use Greek yogurt but it started to turn bad so I fed it to the cats.)

1 egg

Couple of spoonfuls of oatmeal

Blend on pulse, stopping it momentarily to stir the fruit away from the blades, then repeat.

Add more frozen fruit if you want ice cream or more juice if you want more liquid.

Then sit and enjoy the treat and the beautiful scenery after a cleansing storm.

(Worry about cleaning up all the fallen branches and the leaves. Lol)

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Filed under breakfast,keto,less carbs, cooking, drinks, food